Make your PC run faster:
Windows Registry Errors

Avoid system crashes and startup issues by finding and fixing all Windows Registry errors.
Running Slower

Your PC keeps getting slower and slower? Clear all issues and stop all unused processes to boost your PC.
Junk files

Delete junk files from your PC, regain space and remove clutter.
Optimize PC Startup

Speed up PC startup by choosing to launch only the applications you need.
Uninstall Programs

SweepTools PC Cleaner helps you quickly and fully deinstall programs that you do not need anymore.
Registry Defragmentation

Defragment your Registry on a regular basis to keep it intact and retain your PC's Performance at its best.
Processor | Intel(R) Pentium(R) 3 500MHz or equivalent processor |
RAM | At least 256 MB |
Hard disk space | 100 MB |
Graphics mode | 800x600, 16-bit color |
Processor | Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 1GHz or equivalent processor |
RAM | 512 MB RAM |
Hard disk space | 200 MB |
Graphics mode | 1024x768 true color (highest 32-bit) |
Operating System | SweepTools PC Cleaner 2014 |
MS Windows XP | ✓ |
MS Windows XP Pro x64 Edition | ✓ |
MS Windows 7 | ✓ |
MS Windows 7 x64 Edition | ✓ |
MS Windows 8 x32 Edition | ✓ |
MS Windows 8 x64 Edition | ✓ |
How to install SweepTools PC Cleaner

How to scan and ...

How to uninstall SweepTools PC Cleaner

“After getting SweepTools PC Cleaner I cannot recognize my PC anymore, in a good way. It was taking me 10 minutes to start my computer and then another 10 to open all apps I needed before I could start working. That was very frustrating. Since I got SweepTools PC Cleaner all that gets done in a minute or two. It keeps my PC in a great shape. Performs regular scans and fixes anything that needs fixing without me having to watch over it or push it to work. Perfect solution for me and my PC. Highly recommended!”—Sarah James
“I purchased SweepTools PC Cleaner a few weeks ago and I really think I've done the best choice. Now I can easily see if there are junk to be cleaned and memory to be released at a glance. What it is even better is that I actually do nothing. Just let SweepTools PC Cleaner to do its job. Maintaining my PC performance now isn't something that I wanna avoid.”—Georg Schwarz
“The speed of my computer increased extensively when I installed SweepTools PC Cleaner and used its functions. I recommend it for everyone, because from my experience it works. If, for any reason, my computer slowed down I can speed it up again with a click of a button, which suits me just perfectly.”—Antonio Riggio